Home / Canola Watch / September 12, 2018 – Issue 24
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but when exactly is the best time to spray? This quiz can help…
Here is a compilation of timely disease tips based on observations in the fields this week. Look for blackleg (shown above) and clubroot in particular this fall…
The ideal swath timing for top yield is when average seed colour change across the field is at least 60% on the main stem. But canola growers may want to reassess that approach based on the following considerations…
How many days delayed am I going to be with straight combining versus swathing? It depends on your expectation of “ready"…
Common scenarios growers face with the snow on canola are: 1. Canola is immature when snow falls.
2. Canola is ready to swath when snow falls. 3. Canola left standing for straight combining is hit with snow. 4. Canola in the swath was already dry and has been hit with snow. Here is a description of each scenario, along with…
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) recently studied air movement through a 25,000-bushel bin. With canola, they found that a standard, single phase 10-hp centrifugal fan could not push air through……
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but spraying immediately after harvest may not provide the best results. Before spraying, identify the weeds present. Are they perennials? Winter annuals? Annuals? Clubroot hosts?…
Dry conditions throughout the summer and heading into winter could have ramifications for field management decisions this fall and rotation planning for next year…