The free BeeConnected app helps to ensure that bees and agriculture can co-exist and thrive. The application allows farmers to tell beekeepers in their area when they plan to use crop protection products (including pesticide applications and the planting of treated seed). Beekeepers who have registered their hives will receive a notification if they are within five kilometres of the…
May 3, 2017 - Issue 6
By planting a Buzzing Garden, we can all help to improve the number and quality of honey bee food sources, and support them in feeding their hives. Every free Buzzing Gardens kit contains seeds for five different species of non-invasive Canadian wildflowers recommended by Pollinator Partnership, and can plant a garden up to five square feet. Order your free seed…
1. Take part in the Ultimate Canola Challenge. 2. AAFC Brandon is testing pest management practices and habitat enhancement practices that may impact native pollinators. 3. Insect specialists are looking for canola fields to validate economic thresholds for lygus and flea beetles. 4. The University of Calgary and the Alberta Canola seek help in a large project aimed at determining…
AAFC has published a new cutworm guide, available as a free download, with descriptions of all pest cutworms in Canada as well as helpful management tips, including this excerpt from the scouting section…
Make sure soil is cleaned off any used equipment recently purchased from areas known to have clubroot. This is good biosecurity practice. Ideally, this should be done at the purchase location before bringing it home…