Here are five important points to help with flea beetle scouting and management: 1. Flea beetle damage can advance quickly. 2. Flea beetles will keep eating on cool days. 3. Spray can be effective on cool days, but not wet days. 4. Stem feeding can be more damaging than leaf feeding. 5. Seed treatments are less effective on striped flea…
May 28, 2015 - Issue 11
Is this insect a friend or foe? Try your ID skills on these less-common insects you might find in canola fields…
When growers have canola stands of fewer than 4 plants per square foot — due to low seeding rates, poor seed survival, insects, crusting, frost, wind, etc. — they grapple with the question whether to reseed. An established canola stand with as few as 1-2 plants per square foot generally has higher economic potential than if were to reseed that…
The Canola Council, in collaboration with PAMI and the provincial canola grower commissions, is gathering information to help define best management practices for summer storage of canola. We do not have enough practical information to answer the question “How does the warm summer air affect the temperature, moisture and potential spoilage of cooled canola?” There was also no way to…
Past research has demonstrated an advantage of 3 bu./ac. for controlling weeds at the 1-2 leaf stage of canola versus the 3-4 leaf stage, and a 7 bu./ac. advantage versus 6-7 leaf. At $12 per bushel, that’s $36 to $84 per acre more profit with no added cost. These numbers will be even higher if a preseed burnoff was not…