October 1, 2014 - Issue 26

  • The 2014 Canola Discovery Forum at TCU Place in Saskatoon October 22-23 is a golden opportunity for growers, researchers, agronomists, and representatives from seed and equipment companies to exchange key insights and leading-edge ideas for the sustainable and profitable production of canola. The agenda includes thought-provoking speakers and lots of time for discussion. The forum’s goal is to bring forward…
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  • Guest speakers include: Dr. Jeff Schoenau, professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Saskatchewan, will explain what we know and help us discover what we don’t know about soil fertility management. He will also provide some insights on tech transfer. Kristjan Hebert, a Southeast Saskatchewan grower, strives to capture opportunities in agriculture before they become main…
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  • Day 2 will focus on new and ongoing research projects. In the morning, attendees at Canola Discovery Forum will divide into two groups for concurrent workshops on stand establishment or emerging pests. The afternoon will feature five briefs on ongoing research. The stand establishment workshop features Jeff Coulter, an extension corn specialist with the University of Minnesota. His current research…
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