June 25, 2014 - Issue 12

  • Better late than never? Herbicide spray windows are closing but some fields still have major weed issues. Does the yield risk from herbicide damage outweigh the yield benefit from zapping that weed competition? Plane truth. You have to knock back those weeds, and now. Sometimes that means hiring a plane when field conditions are just too soggy for your ground…
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  • This map from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada shows the regions where growing degree days (Base 7°C) have reached sufficient levels to trigger emergence of bertha armyworm adults from pupae. Adults will start emerging in orange areas. As adults emerge, they will start showing up in traps all across the Prairies. Keep tabs on cumulative adult counts over the next weeks…
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  • Late weed control significantly increases the yield loss from weed competition, and it can also damage canola plants. However, the yield and economic risks from a later in-crop spray could make sense... —If growers use canola as a clean up crop for Group-1 resistant wild oats, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, round-leaved mallow and other tough weeds, a second herbicide application may…
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  • Scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are testing an early warning system for sclerotinia in canola. The project is in its first year and involves 35 volunteers in Saskatchewan monitoring the emergence of apothecia in 67 sclerotia depots across the province. Each depot consists of 50 sclerotia (fungal resting bodies) buried at the soil surface. Sclerotia in the depots are…
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