Canadian canola production surpassed the industry target of 15 million tonnes. The next goal, announced today, is 26 million tonnes by 2025. This is based primarily on an increase in yield per acre, with very little increase in overall acres of canola. An average Canadian yield of 52 bu./ac. over 22 million acres will achieve 26 million tonnes of production…
January 9, 2014 - Issue 1
Rotation between canola crops has known benefits for management of blackleg, clubroot and root maggot and an overall improvement in canola yield. A one-year break between canola crops provides a clear yield advantage over back to back canola, according to crop insurance data. A two-year break improves on blackleg management when compared to a one-year break. (The graph above is…
Nutrient reserves vary from field to field, and from zone to zone within each field. This has encouraged some growers to create different blends for each field, and to use variable rate application to adjust rates based on management zones within a field. A soil testing program is essential to determine the right blend for each field. The question, from…