May 29, 2013 - Issue 9

  • Seeding is progressing well, with many regions complete or near complete. Rain delays in parts of eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba have held up seeding progress. Crop insurance deadlines are close for Alberta, although some regions have requested an extension. Contact your local office for the latest. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation deadlines vary by R.M. Call the SCIC toll free…
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  • You may have observed canola with a yellow halo around the outside edge of cotyledons. If this happens when growing conditions are optimal and there hasn’t been frost, seed treatment is the likely cause. When the plant is growing very fast, translocation of seed treatment into the plant is also very fast. This can result in an occasional yellowing of…
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  • Applications made when cool cloudy days follow cool nights will result in lower herbicide efficacy than applications made in warm sunny days. Cloudy days don’t provide the photosynthetic activity required for many herbicides, including Group 10 glufosinate. And nights near freezing followed by days with highs that barely reach 10 C will not provide high metabolic activity required for best…
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  • The latest entry for the Manitoba site has photos showing the differences in seed depth for 3 mph vs 5 mph (shown) seeding speed. Manitoba has planned a blackleg scouting clinic at the UCC site June 7. Eight sites are seeded in Alberta, and establishment is generally good. In Saskatchewan, the Indian Head site is seeded and we're waiting on…
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