Cool conditions have slowed crop development. Seedling diseases are showing up in some canola plants that were seeded weeks ago and are still small. Canola across the Prairies needs heat……
June 8, 2011 - Issue 11
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Seeding is basically done but a few fields are being reseeded after another heavy frost in northern locations over the weekend. Growers wondering when to resume……
Timely spray is more important than nozzle choice. AAFC research showed that spraying 7 days after crop emergence generated higher yields than spraying 17 days after emergence, no matter the droplet size. Using a low drift nozzle early was better than waiting longer for a relatively calm day to use a finer spray. Read the whole article for more tips…
Weeds are getting out of control on some unseeded and seeded fields too wet for the ground sprayer. This is especially true on fields that didn’t get a pre-seed burnoff. Aerial spraying may be the best option even at this early stage of the crop. This article has options for aerial herbicide application in canola…
No foliar sprays are available for seedling diseases, but growers should still dig and look at roots and stems to identify whether disease is the cause for weak plants. Understanding what contributed to seedling disease in fields this year may help plan for better results in your canola fields next year…
No research has been conducted to show the best ways to break up crusting and free the crop. If a few plants have emerged, it may be best to leave them be. One to 2 plants per square foot are better than none…
Growers who broadcast canola with a cut rate of fertilizer (or perhaps no fertilizer in the case of aerial seeding) may want to wait for crop insurance to approve the stand before investing in a fertilizer top up. Evaluating the stand will also be necessary to set a reasonable yield target for fertilizer applications…
With cool temperatures, flea beetles have moved down to the stems and undersides of leaves to feed. Thresholds for stem feeding are lower than thresholds for leaf feeding, so make sure to scout the whole plant. A plant cut off represents 100% leaf area loss for that plant…