August 17, 2011 Issue 20

  • As crops near maturity, the risk of frost is watched closely especially this year with late crops and late stages within fields. If a grower wants to cut a relatively late crop to avoid frost damage, consider the following:…
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  • Relatively low levels of sclerotinia infection can be found in most areas except in heavy and late maturing crops in northwest Saskatchewan where disease pressure is high due to frequent rains through the flowering period. Higher amounts of alternaria are occurring in B. juncea and B. rapa in western Saskatchewan and in B. napus fields in eastern Manitoba. In eastern…
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  • Malathion CANNOT be used to treat bins where canola will be stored or to treat canola as it goes in to storage. These applications can result in residues in the canola that are unacceptable in some of Canada’s key export countries with low minimum residue limits (MRLs) or zero tolerance for malathion…
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  • Swathing is about to become general in Manitoba and proper timing is tricky in parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta because of variable staging. The following are some tips to help……
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