Issues of the week June 23, 2010 — Weed and insect control are priorities. We have tips on late-stage herbicide applications, lygus bug scouting and fertilizer topdress for recovered fields.……
2010 - Issue 9
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): With regular rains and warm days in the north around Manning and La Crete, canola here looks better than in any other part of the region.……
Heat revives flea beetles. After a few weeks with no flea beetle pressure, they have shown up again with the heat. Crop seeded recently will still have seed treatment protection,……
The most profitable results from a topdress will probably come from bolstering good areas of the field rather than trying to rescue poor areas where the primary stress is excess……
Early lygus bug pressure is reported in the Peace and in central Alberta near Penhold. CCC’s Peace region agronomy specialist Erin Brock has reports of 3-4 lygus bugs per bud……
Many growers have not been able to apply their second and some cases first weed control application but the crop is near the end of the application window. Roundup can……
There are two key points when treating volunteer canola as a crop: 1) Check with the seed company on the legalities of harvesting a volunteer crop. 2) Set expectations accordingly.……