Prepare to reduce combine losses. Prepare to cool hot canola. Prepare to collect good data from on-farm trials…
Canola Watch Posts
Tip 1. Have operational fire extinguishers mounted on equipment and ensure everyone is trained to use them. Fire extinguishers need to meet the requirements of the provincial fire code. As a safe practice, ensure you have one in the cab and one that is accessible from the ground…
Alberta: Clubroot severity increases around the world Saskatchewan: Harvest options for multi-stage crops Manitoba: Harvest options for multi-stage crops…
Clubroot is found everywhere in the world that brassica crops are grown. And clubroot is getting worse. These were the underlying messages from the International Clubroot Workshop, which brought together 200 clubroot researchers, extension staff and growers from around the world to Edmonton this week…
The combination of swathing canola too early and swathing during a stretch of hot weather can lead to rapid curing that elevates harvest green counts…
Non-uniform maturation is a common issue at harvest. This issue may be more pronounced in those areas that experienced abnormally dry conditions and intense flea beetle pressure this spring. Swathing remains the best and least risky option to manage uneven maturity. Those set on straight cutting have three product options to consider as pre-harvest aids: diquat, saflufenacil (Heat LQ) and…