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Do you know which insects are beneficial and which are pests in canola?…
Growing season conditions can be quite variable, and so can canola fields. Check through these ways to manage different scenarios when planning to swath your canola…
Always remember to first consult economic thresholds and look for beneficial insect predation or parasitism before considering an insecticide application. Next, pre-harvest intervals (PHIs), the time between spraying and swathing or straight combining, should be considered…
Waiting to get in (or back in) the field? Use this opportunity to do a little disease scouting! Gather up your scouting toolkit (including clippers and trowel) and head out to the fields…
While you are checking your canola fields for potential clubroot, blackleg or sclerotinia symptoms, also keep your eyes open for any symptoms due to verticillium stripe…
Variable maturity has been noted in several canola fields this year and as harvest approaches different pre-harvest aid options may be considered depending on the desired outcome…
Consider these 5 tips to ensure your combining goes as smoothly as possible…
Overnight lows may have dropped from the double-digits to the single digits over the last few weeks, but don’t let a bit of concern over temperatures have too much impact on your plan for your canola…
Hot, dry weather through 2018 is likely to reduce overall canola oil content, and the Harvest Sample Program will show the extent of this effect. Read on for details on how to contribute to this research…