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New tests allow farmers to identify the blackleg races in their fields. With this information, farmers can choose canola varieties with resistance to those races…
As we learned at the International Clubroot Workshop, genetic resistance to clubroot is failing at an increasing rate all around the world. To help reduce selection pressure for clubroot pathotypes……
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but spraying immediately after harvest may not provide the best results…
Keep a record of every load that goes into a bin. Include date binned and condition of each load, including temperature, moisture, green seed percentage and dockage situation. If not using sieves to check dockage, at least make note of weed seeds, brown plant material, green plant material, insect bodies in each sample. These notes will help you assess storage…
The following tips to prevent field and combine fires are from this Safe Farms document. 1. Have operational fire extinguishers mounted on equipment and ensure everyone is trained to use……
AAFC drought impact survey. AAFC is currently collecting information on conditions and impact of the drought in western Canada. Harvest Sample Program. The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) Harvest Sample Program monitors hundreds of samples each year to make sure quality standards are upheld in delivered grain…
With significant patches of weeds like lamb’s quarters, kochia and redroot pigweed reported in several fields this year, managing green seed in canola isn’t the only issue to be aware of…
Check out the number of days above 30 degrees in the prairies this growing season!…
Do you know which insects are beneficial and which are pests in canola?…