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Spray decisions — when to spray or whether to spray at all — will depend on leaf condition after the snow is gone…
Clubroot has been identified in canola southeast of Peace River in northern Alberta. Although clubroot has been found in various counties in Alberta since 2003, this is the first year……
Soil tests for clubroot can have two objectives: 1. Is the clubroot pathogen present? (Yes/No test) 2. What is the resting spore count per gram of soil? (Quantitative test)…
Clubroot has been identified in a canola field south of Calgary in Southern Alberta. Although clubroot has been found in various counties in Alberta since 2003, this is the first confirmed case of the disease in Rockyview County. For more about the discovery and what to do about it…
Question: After a couple of bad years, cash flow is tight. How can a farm reduce fertilizer costs while still keeping the door open for a good rebound yield? Answer: (1) Soil sampling is often more valuable after a bad year because reserves could still be high. A soil test may show higher than expected carryover. Note that after a…
Canola that still has a lot of green seed might not de-green that much further. Green may have been locked in by frost and if more de-greening was possible, it probably should have happened already with the moisture over the past two weeks. When good harvest opportunities arise, the best bet at this stage of the season is probably to…
Field observations suggest that blackleg may be increasing in some areas. Official disease survey results for 2018 will be announced at Western Forum October 17-19. In the meantime, farmers and agronomist may still have time to count the percentage of plants that are diseased…
Frost that comes with snow can actually help desiccate a fully-mature canola crop and any weed patches present, helping to prep canola for straight combining. If snow flattens the mature crop, do not swath…
The combine chopper is an important tool for residue management. When harvesting in tough conditions, make sure chopper blades are in good shape and knives are sharp…