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Scouting for the season should start right at emergence. That way you can spot some of the early-season issues featured in this week's photo quiz…
Six questions to test your skills for assessing canola stand establishment…
Flixweed, shown above, presents another possible risk – as a clubroot host. This adds to the incentive to spray it early…
Growers have two common questions after a spring frost: 1. Did the crop survive? (Do I need to reseed?) 2. When can I resume weed control? This article will help you answer both…
Most products are not strongly affected by dust, but two important products are very dust-sensitive: glyphosate and diquat…
Growers who seed before spraying may choose to apply in the narrow post-seeding pre-emergence window, but consider the following risks…
Cutworms or wireworms? Check bare patches, and especially the interface between healthy seedlings and dead patches, to confirm the reason for missing plants. It could be cutworms, wireworms, disease or something else entirely…
The Canola Council of Canada, on behalf of growers and the entire canola value chain, is working closely with the Government of Canada to resolve challenges facing canola seed exports……
Give yourself a flea beetles primer ahead of scouting season. Take our quiz!…