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Canola is not a heat-loving crop, and heat during flowering (28°C or more coupled with warm nights) can cause flower abortion (missing pods) or small dead pods. Heat can also cause a hormone response that can result in misshapen pods…
Alberta Canola will host a late season crop walk August 28 at the canolaPALOOZA site at AAFC Lacombe…
Know the product’s specific pre-harvest interval (PHI) for each crop before applying…
What the he** is going on in my canola field? Seven photos of things found in canola fields across Canada this week…
Growers wonder how to approach harvest when canola fields have plants and patches at quite different stages of maturity. With any approach, the least mature areas of the field need……
To check fields for the presence of clubroot DNA before you see visual symptoms, you can try a random soil test…
The video includes insight from various Canadian clubroot researchers. It explains what clubroot is, and how to reduce the risk of introducing clubroot to your farm, slow the spread of clubroot when it does arrive, and manage the impact if clubroot is established…
Farmers will want to test escapes for glyphosate resistance so the weeds can be targeted for intense management before they start to shed their seeds…
Insect pressure is low, for the most part. Localized outbreaks of bertha armyworm and other insects could be found, so scouting is still important, but no insect is causing any major damage at this time…