Sclerotinia stem rot could be a big problem in areas that started dry then turned wet and stayed fairly moist during and after flowering. The dry start to the season meant a lot of fields didn’t get sprayed with fungicide, even though conditions prior to and following flowering have favoured the disease in those areas…
Canola Watch Posts
Here are some timing considerations as harvest nears. If swathing: Canola fields swathed at 60% seed colour change (SCC) on the main stem can yield 8% more than fields swathed……
Alberta Canola will host a late season crop walk August 28 at the canolaPALOOZA site at AAFC Lacombe…
What the he** is going on in my canola field? Seven photos of things found in canola fields across Canada this week…
To check fields for the presence of clubroot DNA before you see visual symptoms, you can try a random soil test…
The video includes insight from various Canadian clubroot researchers. It explains what clubroot is, and how to reduce the risk of introducing clubroot to your farm, slow the spread of clubroot when it does arrive, and manage the impact if clubroot is established…