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If the priority is getting the crop in the bin (not maximum yield), swathed canola can be ready to combine earlier than standing canola...but swathing early does not necessarily mean combining early…
This quiz will point to a few on-farm practices that can influence harvest quality and crop marketability…
The 2019 Canola Discovery Forum (CDF) will take place at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 13-14. The Canola Discovery Forum is a unique opportunity for consensus building and dialogue between a cross section of canola industry stakeholders. The theme this year is Integrated Pest Management…
Default to waiting. Don’t make a snap decision to swath. Before taking any harvest action, start with this sequence…
As predicted by moth traps, the Peace region has fields at thresholds. Beyond there, a few field here and there across the Prairies have been sprayed but the worm is not a problem on most fields…
The Canola Council of Canada has a new video showing how to make the right timing decision for pre-harvest glyphosate application…
Europe’s biofuel industry is a significant export opportunity for Canada’s canola industry. Please join the Canola Council of Canada for a webinar to explain how individual farms can participate in this exclusive market…
The following quiz questions (and detailed answers) will help you identify the disease symptoms you’re seeing…
If you saw any unexplained canola disfigurement this summer, we want to know!…