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If you find a patch of canola plants with clubroot galls, take action now to contain it. This is especially important (1) if clubroot is new to the farm or (2) if the field is seeded to a clubroot-resistant (CR) variety and the patch could have a new pathotype that you need to contain…
These weed patch cut-arounds are easy to do when straight combining. The key is to destroy those patches with a mower or cultivator before they set seed…
Clear patches of canola plants that are yellowing prematurely could be diseased. These are obvious places to start a pre-harvest disease survey. Clubroot continues to spread into new areas, so this disease is one possible cause – even in fields with a clubroot-resistant variety. In addition to the obvious patches, check a few random areas in the better producing parts…
Fields that attract a lot of geese this time of year could be fields with a lot of harvest losses. Are your harvest losses so high that you’re attracting geese?…
A full-fledged bertha armyworm outbreak continues in the Peace region. Continue scouting, noting that fields at thresholds can be right beside fields with low counts…
Host Jay Whetter gets an update on Canadian canola trade with China from Jim Everson, president of the Canola Council of Canada, and Rick White, CEO of the Canadian Canola Growers Association…
Missing pods can result from a list of common factors, including heat and drought and insects…
Then join us at Canola Discovery Forum, November 13-14 in Winnipeg. The program this year features an integrated pest management (IPM) theme…
Hungry birds recognize the food value of ripening canola and target these riper pods…