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Canola is generally better than other crops for holding its quality with harvest delays due to moisture. But damage can occur. Here are some quality issues that can occur in this situation…
Snow on swathed canola will delay harvest, just like a rain would. In October, when it can be assumed that a return to more seasonal temperatures will occur, waiting it out may be the best option. In most cases, snow on swathed canola will take longer to shake off and dry out than snow on standing canola…
Harvest experience and disease levels in 2019 will influence seed purchasing decisions. When making final seed decisions, consider disease resistance, days to maturity, lodging, specialty oil traits and harvest traits in addition to yield to select varieties well suited to typical conditions on the farm…
The snow layer is likely to insulate the weed leaf material from the colder conditions that follow it. That could mean you’re back spraying earlier than you would be with frost alone…
You want to apply fall nitrogen as close to freeze up as possible to balance two objectives: (1) allow soil to seal over the band (frozen soil may not seal) and (2) reduce losses due to high microbial activity in warm soils. Band urea at least 2” deep…
Six questions on scenarios and sightings in canola fields this week. Click "submit" to get detailed answers with lots of agronomy tips…
Tips on... Swathing before a frost, What to do when frost hits standing crop, Cool weather and the performance of pre-harvest aids, Frost and green counts, and more…
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but spraying immediately after harvest may not provide the best results. Identify the weeds present – Are they perennials? Winter annuals? Annuals? Clubroot hosts? – to choose the best time to spray…
Tips for...Identifying storage risks, Drying tough and damp canola, Aeration in large bins…