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ANY unexpected rise in temperature should be a clear signal that action is required. Once an area starts to warm up, the reaction has started and the canola will probably just get hotter and hotter until spoilage starts. Then spoilage will spread until the whole bin is damaged…
High moisture harvest means steady action around the bins – with oversight of dryers, aeration fans, latches, hatches, augers and trucks. The best advice is to stay out of the bins entirely and keeps all guards and shields in place – just in case…
If N fertilizer is applied in fall, it should be banded, preferably as late as possible – but not too late. Applying into frozen ground or on snow is not a good practice…
Fall is a good time to collect soil for a clubroot DNA test. Information can be used to help with seed and disease management decisions…
Having diversity in canola variety genetics will improve the resilience of the farm over time. The weed management message, “If it works, change it”, should apply to genetics and disease resistance, too…
Bad weather, broken parts, stuck combines and everything else going on this harvest adds to the stress and time pressure. But please keep a priority on safety. Get enough sleep. Eat well…
Canola Discovery Forum is Novmeber 13-14 at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg. The clubroot CLUB Day is November 15. Register and book your hotel rooms today…
The ideal goal for safe long-term storage is to have canola rest in the bin at 8% moisture and less than 15°C. All canola should be conditioned after it goes into the bin. For tough and damp canola, the spoilage risk is much higher. Here are some tips to manage that tough or damp canola…
The seed sales push for 2020 is going strong, as it usually is this time of year. If you're thinking about next year's seed while trying to harvest this year's crop, this quick quiz might provide a few buying tips…