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The 2019 Canola Performance Trials (CPT) complete small plot data report is now available at canolaperformancetrials.ca…
Western Canada still has a lot of canola acres to harvest. A similar situation occurred in 2016. The Canadian Grain Commission reported in 2017 on the quality of late-harvested and spring-harvested canola. Of the spring-harvested samples submitted, 60% graded No. 1 or 2…
Growing registered canola varieties is an important part of assuring our export customers that the biotech traits and disease resistance in our canola supply meet their requirements. To mitigate risk and protect the marketability of your canola crop, do not seed any de-registered canola varieties…
This year’s Canola Digest Science Edition featuring the latest research findings is now available at canoladigest.ca…
Presentations from Canola Discovery Forum in Winnipeg in November are posted online here. Most presenters agreed to share PDFs of their slide decks…
Your consent will allow staff to monitor pests on your property and will contribute to the health of the agriculture industry in Saskatchewan…
The 2019 Canola Discovery Forum (CDF) will take place at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 13-14. This event is a unique opportunity for consensus building and dialogue between all canola industry stakeholders. The theme this year is Integrated Pest Management (IPM). REGISTRATION CLOSES on Wednesday, November 6…
Combining canola after the ground has frozen can work fairly well, especially for standing crop. In fact, when putting ice and snow covered canola plants through the combine, colder temperatures (-10°C to -20°C) may be better than temperatures around 0°C…
Answers for: What causes high green? Why is green seed a problem for processors? Why does green increase storage risk? And more…