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The final 2019 Canola Performance Trials small plot and field scale data report is now available on the CPT website at canolaperformancetrials.ca…
Seed size, given as thousand seed weight (TSW) in grams, will influence the seeding rate required to achieve a target stand. Studies show that seed sizes typical of current seed lots do not have any significant effect on emergence, yield or seed quality…
Farmers have three good reasons to take chronically unprofitable acres out of annual crop production: (1) Stop spending money on acres that don’t provide a return. (2) Non-farmed spaces can increase yields for cropped acres. (3) Slow the proliferation of weeds and disease…
Reports of heated canola have trickled through all winter. High moisture seed and dockage, as well as green seed can increase the storage risk for canola. Please check bins. If they are at risk, farmers can take advantage of colder days to aerate or turn the bins by removing a few loads and putting them back on top…
PAMI has released results from its 2019 canola combine loss survey. Average loss was 1.3 bu./.ac., or 2.8% of total yield for the participating farmers…
Here are our top three most-clicked Canola Watch articles in 2019, based on Google Analytics…
Manitoba Canola Growers hosts Canola Day at Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon. Ag Days is January 21-23, with Canola Day presentations the morning of January 21 at the FCC Theatre…
Freezing tough or damp canola by running cold air through the bin can be a short-term storage solution for canola that couldn’t get dried before winter…but check that canola regularly. This is not as safe as you might think…
CR seed is recommended. So the real decision is whether to use CR varieties with the base (Mendel or first generation) resistance trait or use CR varieties with second generation traits…