How are your ID skills for squiggly green worms? One of these worms is near threshold in one area of the Prairies. Take the quiz to find out…
Canola Watch Posts
Can it be too wet for sclerotinia stem rot infection? | What is the right canola crop stage to spray lygus bugs? | Will boron tank-mixed with fungicide help protect canola from heat blast? | How late is too late for nitrogen top dress?…
Events, programs and services from the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations, and our community of canola stakeholders that provide value…
Sclerotinia stem rot is a hot topic as canola fields come into flower. This quiz asks about fungicide timing, weather and aerial application…
Canola hail recovery | Sclerotinia risk levels | Too late for top dressing and weed control? | CSPW and other priority pests…
Our agronomy quiz has questions on hail damage and canola recovery, grasshoppers thresholds and cabbage seedpod weevil spray timing…
Events, programs and services from the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations, and our community of canola stakeholders that provide value…
Enough fertility for top yield? | Spring frost - what next? | Why count plants (and what if there's too many)? | How to tackle weeds in touch conditions…
Why are these canola leaves yellow? Take this matching quiz and click "submit" to find the answers and pick up a few agronomy tips…