Here is a list of companies that sometimes buy off-grade canola, including possibly heated or high-green canola. Email Jay Whetter to update contact information or to have companies added or……
Canola Watch Posts
You don’t seed canola without starter phosphorus in the seed row, especially in cold soils, but you have options for the rest of the nutrients. And seed placement is not on the list…
What are these weeds? And what would you tank-mix with glyphosate to improve pre-seed burnoff efficacy on these weeds?…
How is clubroot sanitation like exercise? You don't do it unless you have a plan. In this podcast, Mike Harding, plant pathology research scientist with Alberta Agriculture and Food, Barb Ziesman, provincial plant disease specialist with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, and Dan Orchard, agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada, explain the three levels of clean, and the situations…
Chemical residue can last over the winter and cause crop damage, so you want to give the sprayer a complete pre-season cleaning. Here are the steps:…
Even the recent three or four days with highs near 20°C might not have been enough to completely dry the grain, and now cooler weather is coming. What to do?…
Respirators for pesticide applicators are NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved organic-vapour-removing cartridge with a pre-filter approved for pesticides or a NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved canister for pesticides…