Given the value of early weed control, take full advantage of calm conditions to spray. If it’s too windy (more than 20 km/h), the sprayer will probably have to sit idle. But when wind is 10 to 20 km/h, here are some tips to improve performance and reduce drift……
Canola Watch Posts
The same wind that makes it a challenge to spray also dries out the top layer of soil. Should this dry layer of topsoil mean a change in seeding depth?…
Still have tough canola in the bin? Warm air has good capacity to dry. For example, at 22°C and 60% relative humidity, canola will trend towards just below 8% moisture content with natural air drying. Therefore, these warm days are ideal for natural air drying…
Watch the clubroot management video. Take the quiz. CCAs can get one CEU…
With good moisture and warmer weather, weeds will be jumping out of the ground. Spraying before seeding will remove this competition for nutrients and moisture, and make the weeds easier to control – because they’re smaller. But in mid May, canola growers will want to achieve timely seeding as well. Whether weeds are targeted with pre-seed, pre-emergence or post-emergence herbicide…
Farms harvesting overwintered canola may face some challenges with marketing and storage. Here are a few tips…