Tissue sampling can be used to diagnose crop problems that may be nutritionally related and to identify any nutrients that may be limiting yields…
Canola Watch Posts
Four scenarios with "Yes" or "No" answers on application timing…
Early season hail rarely has an impact on canola yield potential because hailed seedlings usually survive. Delayed maturity may result…
Improved crop moisture may have improved the yield potential of canola crops. If nutrient availability does not match this new yield potential, in-crop top-dressing of nitrogen or sulphur (or both) could provide an economic benefit. Find out how to do it…
No major outbreaks to report this week, but include cutworms in the field scouting checklist, and watch flea beetles until crop reaches the 4-leaf stage…
You’re out scouting and you see gaps where canola plants should be. The following images show damage that often leads to seedling death (and disappearance) or show patterns that are clues that might explain the cause. Eight photos. Eight choices. Can you match the photos to the cause?…