No major outbreaks to report this week, but include cutworms in the field scouting checklist, and watch flea beetles until crop reaches the 4-leaf stage…
Canola Watch Posts
You’re out scouting and you see gaps where canola plants should be. The following images show damage that often leads to seedling death (and disappearance) or show patterns that are clues that might explain the cause. Eight photos. Eight choices. Can you match the photos to the cause?…
Situations...Lots of weeds and they're growing fast. Spraying at night to dodge heavy winds. Scouting shows escapes of efficacy issues. Tank mix makes a mess of the sprayer…
The ideal time for nitrogen is any time up to the six-leaf stage to make sure fertilizer in place before the crop needs it. Sulphur can be applied up to early flowering and still provide a yield benefit…
What would you do – spray or not spray – in the four scenarios outlined in this quiz?…