The decision to apply a fungicide to prevent sclerotinia stem rot may be generalized by answering these four questions: (1) Have environmental conditions prior to flowering been wet enough for apothecia development and survival? (2) Is the canola crop canopy dense and is yield potential high? (3) Does the weather forecast predict precipitation and/or humidity during the flowering period? (4)…
Canola Watch Posts
Canola cultivars are available with improved tolerance to sclerotinia stem rot. This reduced severity of sclerotinia stem rot is effective but may not match the same level of control as a fungicide application. Therefore under high risk of disease development applying a fungicide to these cultivars may still be necessary…
Canola Watch has many valued connections, including the Canola Council of Canada, SaskCanola, Alberta Canola and Manitoba Canola Growers, as well as research institutions, government extension departments, ag businesses, universities and other commodity groups. This section provides timely support for canola-related projects outside of Canola Watch…
Nine images of discoloured canola. Can you identify the cause for each?…