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Once petals drop and start to decay, infection proceeds very quickly with lesions being visible in as little as 24 hours…
Timing and coverage are keys. For most fungicides, the recommended window for application falls between 20 and 50 per cent bloom, with optimum timing typically around 30 per cent bloom…
Hot, dry weather reduces infection rates and the progression of sclerotinia within the plant. The disease risk is limited when current conditions are dry, max daily temps are 30°C or……
Canola cultivars are available with improved tolerance to sclerotinia stem rot. This reduced severity of sclerotinia stem rot is effective but may not match the same level of control as a fungicide application. Therefore under high risk of disease development applying a fungicide to these cultivars may still be necessary…
Canola Watch has many valued connections, including the Canola Council of Canada, SaskCanola, Alberta Canola and Manitoba Canola Growers, as well as research institutions, government extension departments, ag businesses, universities and other commodity groups. This section provides timely support for canola-related projects outside of Canola Watch…
Nine images of discoloured canola. Can you identify the cause for each?…
The ideal timing for fertilizer application is at seeding, but there are times when an in-crop top up of nitrogen or sulphur makes sense. This article provides tips to make top dressing work in those situations…
One weed management job for this week is to check fields about a week after spraying to make sure weeds are dying as expected…
Slugs have been found feeding on canola in wet areas of Alberta. Some fields are starting to flower – which means we have to start talking about cabbage seedpod weevils…