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You can get a good sense of the consistency of a cultivar by looking at performance over various locations and years. The Canola Performance Trials website includes many years of data, so you can check height, lodging, maturity or yield averages over the past three to five (or even more) years…
This list covers the options available for canola seed traits and describes official standards (if any) for each trait…
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but spraying immediately after harvest may not provide the best results. Before spraying, identify the weeds present. Are they perennials? Winter annuals? Annuals? Clubroot hosts?…
Green seed, high moisture and other factors can increase the storage risks for canola. Take the quiz to test your knowledge and pick up a few management tips…
The majority of the canola green seed problems in Western Canada are usually the result of frost. Even a light frost can fix the green colour by damaging the enzymes that clear the chlorophyll in higher moisture seed, preventing additional clearing regardless of how favourable weather conditions may become…
We don’t really know how much frost (temperature, duration) would be equivalent to an application of diquat (Reglone), but we do know that in cool conditions, diquat may not actually work that well…
Would you choose to swath or straight combine a canola crop...when the stand is uneven? When the crop is lodged? After a heavy frost? When you want to combine sooner?…
High winds and dry harvest conditions can create a couple of possible safety situations. One, wind-blown swaths can roll into large bunches. If these bunches have to be broken apart……
This article explains how to measure losses, and then how to set the combine to reduce losses…