For information on actions employees and colleagues can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has infographics and tip sheets…
Canola Watch Posts
Maps show the current soil moisture situation…
Turning on aeration fans shortly after harvest will remove any moisture that has respired from the seeds – which commonly occurs after harvest. Aeration also cools the grain and evens out the temperature…
The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team encourages canola growers to choose hybrids based on the opportunities and challenges in each particular field. This approach is seen as one way to improve productivity and profitability of the crop. Here are some scenarios describing how a farm might benefit from adopting this strategy…
Soil sample the fall after canola harvest or the spring immediately following. This gives galls time to break down and release spores. If sampling this fall, target fields that are going into canola next year…not fields that were in canola this year…
Six questions provide tips on what to look for in fields this fall, and how these counts can help with field management in 2021…