Spray drift can be costly (liability-wise) but also gives agriculture a negative image. Pay attention to boom height, nozzle selection, water volume, pressure, wind speed and direction, etc. Calibrate your……
Canola Watch Posts
Faye Dokken, Provincial Specialist – Plant Diseases with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is looking for cooperators to participate in a canola disease survey this summer. Representatives from the Ministry would……
Rain – Some Needed Some Not Rainfall was received in many areas across the Prairies last week. Amounts ranged from a few tenths to as much as 3 inches in……
Across the majority of Saskatchewan last week, canola seeding continued and is now nearing completion. Some of the earliest seeded fields are beginning to emerge. Around Leader, Rosetown, and Kindersley……
In Manitoba, a significant amount of winter wheat acres planted last fall were winterkilled. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) estimates that 80% of the winter wheat in the……
Cool daytime and cold nighttime temperatures prevailed across the Prairies last week. Many areas reported frost with temperatures dipping to minus 7 oC. Near Trochu, Alberta temperatures as low as……
With some areas having canola seeded for almost four weeks, the integrity and viability of the seed has started to be questioned. Much warmer temperatures (mid 20°C’s) are forecast for……
Soil temperatures remain cool causing seeded crops to germinate and emerge very slowly. The following maps show growing degree days (GDD) that have accumulated thus far: http://www.agr.gc.ca/pfra/drought/prtgdd_e.htm In Manitoba, accumulated……
Apparently there is growing concern that crops are taking too long to emerge and will have to be reseeded. Those decisions cannot be made without getting down on hands and……