Reports of cutworms continued this week across western Canada. Cutworm damage often appears as bare patches showing up across the field. Plants in these areas will be wilted or dead……
Canola Watch Posts
While digging for cutworms, you may encounter other worms. Species in the enchytraeid family are pale white to grey, segmented worms and usually one to two cm (but can be……
Cabbage seedpod weevils have been reported in southern Alberta (Medicine Hat area). Owen Olfert, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Saskatoon, is about to roll out the prairie-wide monitoring program for……
Many producers were unable to do a pre-seed burn-off so it is critical to maximize efficiency with the first in-crop pass. The first step is scouting to determine weed species……
Frost can interfere with herbicide performance and crop tolerance. After a light frost, it is important to wait until temperatures rebound in the middle of the day before spraying. After……
Water quality is the key to achieving proper performance of many herbicides, particularly with glyphosate and many grassy weed products. The following link provides more information on spray water quality:……
Spray drift can be costly (liability-wise) but also gives agriculture a negative image. Pay attention to boom height, nozzle selection, water volume, pressure, wind speed and direction, etc. Calibrate your……
Faye Dokken, Provincial Specialist – Plant Diseases with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is looking for cooperators to participate in a canola disease survey this summer. Representatives from the Ministry would……
Emergence Challenges Canola seeding is virtually complete in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Where soil moisture is adequate for germination, cool temperatures and late-spring frosts are stalling canola growth and development. Emerged……