Environmental issues continue to dominate canola production across western Canada. Cool daytime temperatures with unseasonably cold nighttime temperatures occurred across the Prairies last week and over the weekend. All regions……
Canola Watch Posts
Poor growing conditions due to the cold weather and repeated frosts prevailed across western Canada again last week. Canola growth and development was stalled. Canola ranges from cotyledon to 4-leaf……
Frost was widespread all across western Canada last week. From all reports, crop damage is quite variable – both within an area and within a single field. This is expected……
To evaluate a field, walk an X or W path across the field and note all plants that will survive in a 1/4 m2 (3 ft2) area every 20 paces.……
Before making re-seed decisions consider the following: Take a close look. Get down, way down, at ground level and look for signs of recovery. A plant with a green, intact……
There are reports of macronutrients and micronutrients being foliar applied to frosted, stalled crops to give the plants a boost. Canola Council of Canada agronomists are not aware of any……
Re-assess the maturity of the chosen variety. It may be getting too late to plant longer season varieties based on the frost-free period remaining. If necessary, ask a local retailer……
Canola fields with low plant densities are more vulnerable to losses from insects, weed competition and environmental stresses such as fall frosts. Crops with low plant densities need to be……
The decision to re-seed is not an easy one, especially this far into June. Ultimately it is the growing conditions for the remainder of the season that will determine if……