There are reports of producers seeding Polish (Brassica rapa) canola varieties in Manitoba and Alberta. Keep in mind that herbicide options are limited and full spectrum weed control can be……
Canola Watch Posts
Before making re-seed decisions consider the following: Take a close look. Get down, way down, at ground level and look for signs of recovery. A plant with a green, intact……
Crop recovery from the frost 10 days ago was reasonably good across western Canada, especially with the warm temperatures late last week and over the weekend. Some re-seeding was reported……
No doubt that this spring has been especially challenging for canola establishment. Cool and dry conditions in many areas resulted in less than ideal emergence. Late-frosts have now thinned stands……
There are questions about the ability to tank mix insecticides with herbicides when spraying canola. Please read the updated article…
Uneven, thin canola stands are common across the prairies this year. Generally canola is emerging to 4-leaf and many producers are wondering when is the best time to spray? And……
Water quality is the key to achieving proper performance of many herbicides, particularly with glyphosate and many grassy weed products. The following link provides more information on spray water quality:……
Spray drift can be costly (liability-wise) but also gives agriculture a negative image. Pay attention to boom height, nozzle selection, water volume, pressure, wind speed and direction, etc. Calibrate your……
Faye Dokken, Provincial Specialist – Plant Diseases with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is looking for cooperators to participate in a canola disease survey this summer. Representatives from the Ministry would……