Reports of cutworms continue in parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Reports of cutworms are most common in fields that were cultivated last summer (summer fallow or pasture and hay land……
Canola Watch Posts
Cabbage seedpod weevil has been seen in canola fields throughout southern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan as crops have started to bolt, with some fields in early flower. Reports are that……
Up for a great learning experience? There are a number of crop training events organized across western Canada to challenge even the most seasoned agronomist. For more information or to……
Faye Dokken, Provincial Specialist – Plant Diseases with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is looking for cooperators to participate in a canola disease survey this summer. Representatives from the Ministry would……
Seeding and Re-seeding of Canola Finished Late seeding in parts of Manitoba and re-seeding of canola due to frost across western Canada continued last week but is now complete. Excess……
Although some areas of Manitoba are too wet, soil moisture conditions are rated as dry on the western side of the province. Rain is needed soon, especially in the southwest……
Canola staging is quite variable within an area and even within a single field in some areas. Re-seeded and late seeded fields range from just emerging to the cotyledon stage.……
Crop staging is variable in this year’s canola crop across the west but one common thread is thin stands. Cool and dry conditions in many areas resulted in less than……
Spraying for cutworms continues in parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Reports of cutworms are most common in fields that were cultivated last summer (summer fallow or pasture and hay land……