Bertha armyworm traps continue to be used for monitoring but so far numbers caught in Manitoba and Alberta indicate the risk is low. However, trap numbers in a few locations……
Canola Watch Posts
Dan Johnson at the University of Lethbridge is looking for cooperators to participate in field research for a bio-pesticide for grasshopper control in canola. Information on the pesticide is available……
Reports continued this past week of bud bouqueting — where flower clusters develop in the centre of the rosette without bolting — from fields in southern, central and Peace Region……
At this time of year as the canola crop finishes flowering and begins to pod, stressed or affected patches often appear within the field. These patches are often most noticeable……
If warm, dry conditions continue, cutting of the earliest canola fields may begin within three to four weeks. After flowering (pod filling), is a good time to assess yield potential……
As bins are prepared for the coming harvest, keep in mind that using malathion on canola seed or in canola storage bins will result in detectable levels of malathion residue……
Canola Responding to Better Conditions Timely rains over the past week and weekend brought moisture to many parts of western Canada. This, along with seasonal temperatures resulted in the canola……
Crop growth and development progressed quite well last week with most of the crop in western Canada in the flowering stage (20% to full bloom). Earliest seeded fields are beginning……
Thunderstorms last week and over the weekend brought hail to a number of locations. Mid-season hail damage not only causes physical injury on the plant but is also a concern……