Thunderstorms last week and over the weekend brought hail to parts of Alberta and central Manitoba. It is likely getting too late in the growing season for canola plants to……
Canola Watch Posts
The preharvest interval (PHI) refers to the number of days that the crop should not be harvested after application of a pesticide. Harvest in this context means cutting or swathing.……
At this time of year (as the canola crop finishes flowering and begins to pod), often stressed or affected patches appear within the field. These patches are often most noticeable……
If warm, dry conditions prevail, cutting of the earliest canola fields may begin within about three weeks. After flowering (pod filling) is a good time to assess yield potential leading……
As bins are prepared for the coming harvest, keep in mind that using malathion on canola seed or in canola storage bins will result in detectable levels of malathion residue……
Warm and Dry Relatively warm temperatures occurred across much of western Canada last week with very little precipitation. Much of the Prairies are dry and require additional moisture soon with……
Thunderstorms last week and over the weekend brought hail to a number of locations again. Mid-season hail damage not only causes physical injury on the plant but is also a……
Late-seeded and re-seeded canola fields are beginning to flower. These fields should now be assessed for risk to sclerotinia stem rot infection to determine if a fungicide application will be……
This year has certainly been challenging for canola production and as a result, crop staging is wide ranging in some fields. Should a fungicide be applied now when the oldest……