The preharvest interval (PHI) refers to the number of days that the crop should not be harvested after applying a pesticide. Harvest in this context means cutting or swathing. If……
Canola Watch Posts
At this time of year (as the canola crop finishes flowering and begins to pod), stressed or affected patches often appear within the field. These patches are usually most noticeable……
During pod fill is a good time to assess yield potential leading up to harvest. The variable staging this year has not evened out and will require more management at……
With the variable stages in this year’s canola crop, questions about the benefits of applying a pod sealant are surfacing. Pod sealants are relatively new to the Canadian marketplace and……
Questions about swathing this year’s crop with low plant stands and shortened crop height are starting as the ability to anchor the swath to the stubble will likely be hampered.……
As the calendar progresses and the risk of fall frost increases, it may be tempting to swath earlier than optimal. Growers must ensure that seed colour change is occurring when……
As bins are prepared for the coming harvest, keep in mind that using malathion on canola seed or in canola storage bins will result in detectable levels of malathion residue……
One More Rain Might Do It Alberta and the BC Peace Region had seasonal daytime temperatures last week which spawned thundershowers in many locations, with rainfall amounts ranging from trace……
Crop development ranges from early bloom (20%) in the late and re-seeded fields to fully podded in the early fields. Some of the very earliest fields in southwestern Manitoba and……