Council agronomists are starting to field a number of calls about how to hasten maturity of late canola plants within a field. Uneven fields are not good candidates for straight……
Canola Watch Posts
During pod fill is a good time to assess yield potential leading up to harvest. The variable staging this year has not evened out and will require more management at……
With the variable stages in this year’s canola crop, questions about the benefits of applying a pod sealant are surfacing. Pod sealants are relatively new to the Canadian marketplace and……
Questions are starting about swathing this year’s crop with low plant stands and shortened crop height, as the ability to anchor the swath to the stubble likely will be hampered.……
As the calendar progresses and the risk of fall frost nears, it may be tempting to swath earlier than optimal. Growers must ensure that seed colour change is occurring when……
Too Dry, Just Right and Too Wet Relatively cool growing conditions prevailed again last week across most of western Canada. Overnight lows were cool with single digits with freezing temperatures……
Crop development ranges from late bloom (70%) in the late and re-seeded fields to about 10 to 20% colour change in the earliest fields. The very earliest fields in southwestern……
Hail was reported near Chaplin, SK last week. The hail damage from thunderstorms 10 days ago in Alberta has been quantified and one million acres of cropland are affected, with……
Lygus populations continue to be monitored in the Peace Region of Alberta and BC and in southern Alberta. Populations are variable as many fields are exceeding economic thresholds (as much……