Upon further inspection this year of seed colour change, the canola crop is not as ripe as it looks in some areas. Some fields are showing significant pod colour change……
Canola Watch Posts
For growers faced with uneven maturity within fields, it may not be possible to swath all the crop in the 50-60% seed colour change window. In situations where uneven maturity……
Questions about swathing this year’s crop with low plant stands and shortened crop height are starting as the ability to anchor the swath to the stubble will likely be hampered.……
Harvest is a good time to assess crop performance as well as crop management because producers have greater access to all areas of the field, and a unique visual perspective……
In Some Locales, The Skies Opened Up Across western Canada rainfall was common late last week and over the weekend. Rainfall amounts generally averaged one to two inches but……
The risk of an early fall frost and its impact on crop quality continues to be one of the greatest concerns. A few days of summer-like temperatures (high 20’s to……
A number of products are being marketed to enhance the crops’ protection from environmental stresses such as frost. The Canola Council of Canada agronomists are not aware of any scientific……
Lygus populations continue to be monitored in the Peace Region of Alberta and BC and in southern Alberta. Populations are variable as many fields are exceeding economic thresholds (as much……
Grasshoppers appear to be migrating into canola fields to feed on pods in the drier parts of southwestern Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan. Continue scouting for grasshoppers because if caught early,……