Sunscald has been appearing in some fields in many areas. It is important to diagnose because sunscald can make the plant appear riper that it actually is. Always examine seed……
Canola Watch Posts
It is important to scout fields and examine plants to know what is causing symptoms such as premature ripening. Don’t let the colour change of a small percentage of diseased……
Read the detailed Canola Watch Fundamentals article on canola for livestock feed…
Discovery of late-season diseases can help you evaluate you management decisions made earlier in the year and assist with management decisions for next year. Fields with high levels of sclerotinia……
Particularly in Alberta, there are questions about the use of herbicides to dry down or desiccate glyphosate-tolerant canola plants, either an entire canola field or when present as weeds in……
For growers faced with uneven maturity within fields, it may not be possible to swath all the crop in the 50-60% seed colour change window. In situations where uneven maturity……
Questions are starting about swathing this year’s crop with low plant stands and shortened crop height as the ability to anchor the swath to the stubble will likely be hampered.……
There have been reports of producers cutting fields that are too green, especially in the recent heat. Avoid the urge to swath too early, especially under high temperatures. The optimum……
Some of the earliest fields in the southern prairies may be combined in the coming days. It is important to remember that canola storage can be a concern even at……