Take caution when mixing glyphosates, especially those of different formulations (salt types). In particular, mixing premium glyphosate products with lower priced products may void the warranty on premium products. Click here……
Canola Watch Posts
Canola thousand seed weight (TSW) can range from less than 3 grams up to 6 grams or more. This can have a dramatic effect on seeding rate.Click here to see……
Cleavers have emerged and are growing rapidly in scattered fields across the Prairies. Derwyn Hammond, CCC agronomist for Manitoba, says some are three inches tall already. “If growers wait until……
Some growers are looking at tighter rotations for this year, seeding canola on fields that were in canola two years ago or, in some cases, last year. This is not……
Many growers strive to apply all their fertilizer during the seeding pass. This one-pass system is a good way to save fuel, minimize soil disturbance and maintain the integrity of……
Here’s another example why proper pest identification is important. The “suspected” redbacked cutworms found in the Carrot River area last week turned out to be cranefly larvae, commonly called “leatherjackets.”……
Issues of the week With soggy conditions, seeding is at least a week away for many growers across the Prairies. That raises an important question: Should growers seed as soon……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Most of the Peace is forecast to have below zero temperatures over the next few nights, and cool days (below 10ºC). Snow is forecast for some……
—Light frosts likely won’t cause significant damage to emerged canola — yes, there is some emerged canola here and there. Growers with emerged crop should monitor fields a few days……