Many canola regions have good conditions right now,growers who have better than usual canola growing conditions may consider a topdressing nitrogen if they didn’t apply enough fertilizer to meet revised……
Canola Watch Posts
Growers all across the Prairies are spraying for cutworm. The 3 key species — redbacked, pale western and dingy — feed until they’re an inch to inch-and-a-half long, the molting stage.……
Timing needs to be right for both the weeds and the insect. Presently there are no insecticide tank mixes registered for glyphosate, Liberty or Odyssey for applications in canola. Recent……
Issues of the week June 9, 2010 — With many reports of weeds getting ahead of the crop, weed control is the big push this week. For excessively wet conditions,……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): General rains this past week were welcome. Some areas, including around Grimshaw, could use more rain, but canola across the region looks good. Staging varies from……
With glyphosate so inexpensive, some growers are thinking about using higher rates and are prepared to do a third pass.Our response: Keep within maximum label rates and assess the weed……
1. Missing a window of opportunity (due to moisture or any other reason) with herbicides, fungicides or insecticides often results in greater yield losses because the pests will have had……
When fields are too wet for the sprayer, canola growers do have options for aerial application. —Roundup WeatherMax is the only glyphosate registered for aerial application at this crop stage.……
Wet fields will have lost up to half of their applied nitrogen and soil reserves through leaching or denitrification the past couple weeks. But growers should make sure their canola……