If crop staging is widely variable and if fungicide is needed to prevent sclerotinia stem rot, a split application may be worthwhile. The first application can be made when the……
Canola Watch Posts
If a field has cabbage seedpod weevil and diamondback moth feeding, should economic spray thresholds be reduced to account for the combined pressure? In the case of these two species,……
As bins are prepared for the coming harvest, keep in mind that using malathion on canola seed or in canola storage bins will result in detectable levels of malathion residue……
Issues of the week: June 30, 2010 — Lygus spraying starts in the Peace, cabbage seedpod weevil spraying starts in the southwestern Prairie, and we’re all on diamondback moth alert.……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Dry and hot conditions the past week add to drought stress. South and central Peace regions really need rain. Most canola fields are at bolting to……
Some Peace fields have 4-5 adults per sweep, prompting many farmers to spray at the bud stage. This is earlier than normally recommended, but with drought stress, canola may……
Spraying to prevent sclerotinia stem rot has started in Manitoba and many canola fields across the Prairies are coming into the spray window — 20% to 50% bloom. With……
Blackleg presence is higher than usual on canola in Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan. If you see grey lesions with black picnidia (peppery spots) on leaves, monitor the field. The……
Issues of the week June 23, 2010 — Weed and insect control are priorities. We have tips on late-stage herbicide applications, lygus bug scouting and fertilizer topdress for recovered fields.……