Many fields in the rain-soaked regions have advanced crop on the high ground and much later crop in the low ground. These fields require some harvest planning. Does a grower……
Canola Watch Posts
Issues of the week: August 5, 2010 — Swathing has started for April-seeded fields. The ideal time to swath is 50% to 60% seed colour change on the main stem,……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing has begun in the earliest and thinnest crops in the dry western and central regions. Nice rains in the central region are welcome but too……
Pay attention to pre-harvest intervals. These intervals — the time between spraying and cutting or straight combining — are important because we don’t want pesticide residues on export canola. For……
Visual symptoms of clubroot can be incorrectly attributed to heat stress or to diseases such as blackleg, fusarium wilt or sclerotinia. For that reason, proper diagnosis of clubroot should always……
Growers with thin crops are wondering whether straight combining is better than swathing. Straight combining tends to work best on thick stands with plants meshed together to prevent whipping in……
1. Scout for disease prior to swathing. Assess levels to determine if premature ripening or pod damage from alternaria black spot may necessitate swathing earlier than normal — before seed shatter……
Many fields in the rain-soaked regions have advanced crop on the high ground and much later crop in the low ground. These fields require some harvest planning. Does a grower……
Issues of the week: July 28, 2010 — With more canola fields going into early pod-filling stages, the insect watch enters a critical phase. Spraying for lygus, bertha armyworm and……