Much of southern and central Alberta and parts of western Saskatchewan still have high levels of lygus bug feeding. Lygus bug numbers are up to 10 times economic control thresholds……
Canola Watch Posts
Issues of the week: August 11, 2010 — Swathing is underway in parts of Alberta (Peace) and Saskatchewan, but most regions are 1-2 weeks behind. Fields in wettest areas are……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Hot, dry weather prevailed last week. Swathing has become general in the earliest and thinnest crops and will become general in other areas within a week……
Late season spraying – adhere to pre-harvest intervals Pre-harvest interval (PHI) refers to the number of days that the crop should NOT be harvested after application of a pesticide. Harvest……
Growers who seeded clubroot-resistant hybrids should know that low-level infection — up to 8% of plants — is normal for these hybrids. These off-types will be scattered uniformly through the……
Growers with thin crops are wondering whether straight combining is better than swathing. Straight combining tends to work best on thick stands with plants meshed together to prevent whipping in……
Questions continue about pod sealants. Limited western Canadian research to date has produced variable results. If farmers do use them, leave a test strip as a comparison and an assessment……
number of odd looking plants have generated calls and questions lately. Some are tall, monstrous looking plants. These are called off-types. Many seed companies conduct seed multiplication in the southern……
1. Scout for disease prior to swathing. Assess levels to determine if premature ripening or pod damage from alternaria black spot may necessitate swathing earlier than normal — before seed……