Issues of the week: August 25, 2010 — With cooler temperatures and elevated frost risk for some regions in the coming week, growers may be tempted to swath early to……
Canola Watch Posts
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing is general across the Peace and the odd field has been combined in south, central and western regions. Rains of a few tenths at a……
Seed colour change not typical. We have reports from southern Saskatchewan of plants showing a touch of colour on all seed, top to bottom. The whole plant is maturing at……
At harvest, look for late-season diseases and insect damage that can help with decision making next year. —Break open the stems of any bleached white plants and look for hard……
Issues of the week: August 18, 2010 — Lygus bug numbers keep rising in central Alberta, with counts in some fields at 10 times economic spray thresholds. If spraying, pay……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing is well underway in the central, south and west regions. These areas were dry all season but did finally get some rain — up to……
Pre-harvest glyphosate tip. Some growers have a lot of big weeds to deal with at harvest. Pre-harvest weed control may be beneficial to speed up cutting and to keep green……
Sclerotinia stem rot infestations are high in many areas and the disease will continue to advance even after the crop is swathed. “Sclerotinia is showing up like gangbusters” in northeast……
Lots of crop is short this year, and with heavy rains in spots last week, some of that short crop is now lodged. As noted in Canola Watch the previous……