The Canadian Grain Commission has a colour guide for elevator graders to follow. Distinctly green is a dark green throughout the whole seed. Light green or greenish yellow seeds – sometimes called 'limes' – are not distinctly green and are not included in the green total…
Canola Watch Posts
Some growers in wet areas are considering fall seeding canola in case spring 2011 is too wet to get the crop in. If the winter and spring are dry and……
October 6, 2010 A great chance for perennial weed control Perennial weeds such as Canada thistle, dandelion, and quack grass are best controlled in the fall because these plants are……
Spread residue evenly in fields planned for canola in 2011. Good canola stand establishment, especially in direct seeding situations, starts with straw and chaff from the previous crop. Spreading residue……
With crop that’s been in the swath for 3, 4 or 5 weeks and is not drying down, growers are probably best to be patient and wait for better harvest……
Sept. 21, 2010 — Swath canola hit by heavy frost. Canola that was still fairly green when heavy frost hit this week will desiccate quickly. Pods can start dropping or……
September 17, 2010 — Did you have frost last night? Growers with standing canola are wondering whether to swath right away. Before making that decision, note the temperature and duration……
With frost forecast for many Prairie regions by Thursday or Friday this week, many growers are wondering whether to swath canola today so the crop has 3 days in the……
Issues of the week: September 9, 2010 — Regular showers and cool temperatures across the Prairies have canola harvest in a holding pattern for most growers. Many are anxious to……