There’s an old saying in the canola business: “Sell it or smell it.” According to some crushers, they’ve been “smelling” more canola than usual this year. Higher green counts can……
Canola Watch Posts
We know that wider rows make it possible to pull wider drills with the same tractor. Wider rows also make it easier to direct seed into heavy trash. But remember……
Going to wider rows? Many new drills are set at 12” and 14” row spacing. Wider row spacing means higher concentrations of seed and fertilizer through each opener — based……
Do you have a new drill you’ll be using for the first time this spring? Take some time now and over the next couple months before seeding to read over……
If you have general questions about Canola Watch, direct them to Jay Whetter, or 807-468-4006. If you have questions on regional issues, contact one of the following Canola Council of Canada……
SaskCanola is sponsoring several events that will address concerns about unseeded acres and other canola-related information. 2011 SaskCanola Producer Webinars March 1, 10:00 a.m. Fertility Issues with Unseeded and Flooded……
Canola growers with excessive moisture in 2010 face many unknowns and issues for 2011. The following tips will help growers prepare these fields for 2011: Get a soil analysis. Nutrient……
If you have general questions about Canola Watch, direct them to Jay Whetter, or 807-468-4006. If you have questions on regional issues, contact one of the following Canola Council of Canada……
Thank you to everyone who completed the Canola Watch survey. Winners of the Canadian Tire gift certificates are Bob Bartkewich, North Battleford, Sask.; Harold Brown, Winnipeg, Man.; Bert Dueck, Fisher……