Growers working on their canola budgets for 2011 should include disease management costs. Sclerotinia was widespread in 2010 (except in dry regions of the Peace) and sclerotinia spores will be……
Canola Watch Posts
Growers testing their own wheat and barley seed for farm-saved use have seen some very low germination results — especially if those crops were harvested from regions with delayed harvest……
Hybrid seed often weighs 5 grams or more per 1,000 seeds. If a grower seeds a 5-gram hybrid at 4 lb./ac. (1,800 grams per acre), that works out to……
In a recent survey on agronomic practices, the Canola Council of Canada found that, on average, growers were applying 79.5 lb./ac. of actual nitrogen, 25.8 lb./ac. of phosphate (P2O5), 4.9……
Bins can still heat in cold weather. Based on an informal show of hands at grower meetings, a low percentage of growers have checked their canola bins over the past……
Canola is heating up. That’s good news if we’re talking prices. But it’s bad news for canola in the bin. “We’re getting regular reports this month from growers who have……
If you have general questions about Canola Watch, direct them to Jay Whetter, or 807-468-4006. If you have questions on regional issues, contact one of the following Canola Council of Canada……
In discussion with two soil test labs, we know that taking soil samples in winter is certainly an option. The thick layer of snow on the fields makes winter sampling……
Cleavers that emerge in the fall can survive a cold winter if they’re under a nice blanket of snow. With all the snow this winter, any fields that had cleavers……